German as a foreign language

German courses

The German Friday School Jerusalem offers from September 2022 two classes for “German as Foreign language (called “DaF).

Target groups:
1. Group (Age 12 – 14 years) without any prior knowledge in German
2. Group (Age 14 – 18 years) for advanced learners

When: Friday afternoon between 13.30 and 15.45. 

School start: 2.9.2022.

School ends: 30.6.2022

Where: In the classes of the Hand in Hand School, Arieh Beham 7, Pat, Jerusalem

Costs: 350 Shekel per month


We offer:

Small groups in an intercultural study environment, trained teachers for “German as foreign language”, individual support

If you are interested please contact the school principal:


Friday afternoon between 13.30 and 15.45. 


In the classes of the Hand in Hand School, Arieh Beham 7, Pat, Jerusalem 


350 Shekel